
Saturday, August 21, 2004

I go on vacation for two weeks... 

...and this happens? It's a terrible loss for his friends and family, of course, but even if it makes me a bad person (though a good fan!) I have to wonder: Is 2004 still UO football's best-ever recruiting class?

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


I don't care if I don't know who the players are, or if the games don't mean shiat, it's still good to see four quarters of football on the tv.
And this weekend when the NINERS will beat the Raiders, why that's just puuuuuure gravy.

About a month to go before the ducks kick off their season against Indiania in Eugene. It's still too early to predict exactly what'll happen but this duck (here comes a shocker) says the ducks will easily coast to third and possibly second behind USC when the dust settles in the Pac 10.

And I don't know who to thank, but perhaps it's divin intervention for duck fans that we don't have to see Oregon play USC for the second season in a row.

Holding the fort in Northern Cali, it's Nomaduck signing off.

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